Wednesday, September 28, 2016


 Came across this video a couple of days ago and it really took me back.  I particularly like BULLET VIII - ALWAYS BE KNOLLING (something I have always done but never knew it had a proper name...not to be confused with OCD - obsessive compulsive disorder).  During my NYC days I had the opportunity to work in a number of different photo studios.  Working for a photographer (or any "artist" for that matter) is a lot different than working for a regular company.  Rather than having to adhere to an overall "company policy", a studio assistant is subject to very specific ideals (and quirks) of a single creative mind...often a long list of dos and don'ts. There were quite a few quirks that I had to deal with in my experience but I had it pretty easy compared to some of my friends who worked for absolute tyrants.  By the time I moved on to running my own studio (a set and prop building business), there were only 3 BULLETS: 1.  If you screw something up, don't draw my attention to it right away by saying Oh shit! out loud.  2.  Clean up the work space and put all tools away at the end of the day.  3.  And finally - my studio motto in the form of a question and answer which I had to drill into every assistant that worked for me.  "What is the easiest part of any job?  Showing up on time." 80,83,56,0,C


  1. Bullet #11 - Cut Elsa lots of slack.

  2. creativity certainly has it's important place but so do standards... and that huge little-known field that keeps it all together - configuration management which affects almost everything we touch in today's world

  3. I like your three bullets. Makes sense to me.

  4. Oh thank God I do not have to live like that anymore. Good synopsis. TY. Sometimes I just do the opposite for the happiness that I can (like FU and the rules).

  5. But my dogs take me in tow and they tell me it is time to go to bed.

  6. Now that you're a one man operation bullets 1 & 2 kinda fell by the wayside, freedom is a wonderful thing.

  7. I try to not screw up, but breaking my leg was a major screw up - I clean up and put things away "once a year" - but I am always on time.

  8. I noticed a name at the beginning of this video, Van Neistat.
    Van and his brother Casey used to work for Tom Sachs.
    They also had an HBO Series titled "The Neistat Brothers"

    Casey makes daily videos and other videos alike on his YouTube Page
    He's an excellent presenter and has amassed a huge following.

    They are all worth a watch. "Bike Lanes" is a great one to start with.
    Keep up the good work, John!

  9. Love this video. I, too, knolled before I knew it didn't have to do with ringing a bell. I was famous at work for being able to open any of the nine drawers in my tool box and take out the needed tool with my eyes closed.Respect of work and workspace is an extension of respect for others.
