Saturday, September 17, 2016

from the webcam archives...

Spent a few hours searching and sorting and dug up most of my old webcam gear.  Two of these actually still work although one needs a new spliced cable after getting chewed up by a calf 5 years ago.  Another camera (not pictured) was totally destroyed by a curious longhorn.  This model has really good resolution and adjustable focus with good macro capabilities.  Also found my old telephoto lens - just before I was about to order a new one.  Ciphered out how to stream with the new tablet computer although the app is still a little glitchy, but it has really good range with the wifi extender.  Perhaps I will finally get some good streaming video of "Dinner with Ben and Javier".  BTW - they normally dine around 7:45 PM.  91,96,69,0,B


  1. Looking forward to the "dinner party".

  2. Reminds me of my adopted father. He kept everything (pack rat) in case he could use it later (a good, smart man). My son had a heck of a time cleaning it all out later and said he could figure him out and laughed when he found secret hideaways (such as a stach of cigarettes which he tried so hard to stop. Even after he had dimentia at 94, he was still working on not smoking. The retirement facility wanted me to do something about him dropping lighted cigarettes down the garbage chute and over the balcony.) Sometimes I miss their life and words they said come back to me.

  3. Super! looking forward to seeing them!

  4. I can not wait. Is that EST? I have been waiting for so long and now it is going to happen. God bless.
