Friday, September 2, 2016

joined the underground...

After my recent foray away from home during stormy weather, I decided it was time for a weather station upgrade.  Plug and play installation and set up of the station through Weather Underground was a snap... and I found a new use for my old flame thrower stand.  85,87,67,0,B


  1. If you say so. If you ever sell, no one will know how to operate these ingenious things.

  2. interesting thing - is that that there are several other sites near you including one across 118 called Camels Hump - then the Air Park and Jackass Flats Ranch - all of them also apparently have internet access!

  3. the tracking of real-time ambient body temperatures in a 200 yard, 360˚ radius of the PWS is a little creepy ;◅), but overall very cool…
    they should be tracking Ben's methane production too… assuming he does… how's he liking the new scratching post?
    JW WX
    handy: ☼7:32 AM ☀8:14 PM ☾● Waxing Crescent | 3% Illuminated

  4. Glad you put one. Your not far from our property.

  5. I have an every morning routine. The routine is Hydromet, The Field Lab and Weather Underground. Hydromet is the weather website for the Lower Colorado River Authority, Texas Colorado River. Hydromet includes rainfall amounts for various locations. I wish Weather Under Underground had a feature for rainfall amounts. It amazes me how rainfall amounts vary greatly.

  6. Stuart.....wunderground does have a feature like that. When viewing John's station(or any other station) open the wundermap, then click on show weather station, then below that click on precipitation. Any stations in that viewing area that have had both rain and the rain measuring set up will show amount.

  7. WELL... Thank you Marlin. Been looking at the site for years, missed that one. But, just one site total rainfall at a time, I guess. I get tickled at my wife with her new fancy phone. She keeps looking at the weather map on the phone. "It is right over us", she says, please look outside, say I!
