Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Came across this cleaning product on of all places - a YouTube paramotor maintanence video.  Grabbed two bottles at the Dollar General in Alpine today during my supply run.  If it really does such a good job on carbon fiber propellers, it will probably work just as well keeping my kitchen counter top clean.  87,90,64,0,B


  1. Awesome works great! I've used it for awhile now.

  2. Read the label on the back, I think it's actually concentrated and you can dilute with water. The last few bottles I bought at the dollar store I diluted and it worked just as well. I use it when I'm cleaning the exterior of the camper, it gets the squished bugs off the front when nothing else would.

  3. Be aware this Awesome will also remove PAINT. I learned this the hard way.

  4. It's a butyl cleaner and works great, especially on oil and grease. It's harder than ordinary soap to rinse the residue off, so don't use it to remove carpet stains (I doubt you'll have trouble with that). And use caution when using it in a spray bottle-it's a respiratory irritant-it'll make you cough if you breathe the mist. Good stuff.

  5. According to the label, most cleaning should be done at high dilutions - but is says use full strength for nicotine buildup so inhaling might be good for me.

  6. Take special precautions, especially if you have compromised lungs. "Zep" is also a butyl degreaser and it does a number on my lungs. I wear a paint mask when I use it and have the house open. Just sayin'

  7. I've used a lot of Awesome on the job for past 10 years plus its other products I buy at Dollar Tree including their bleach, liquid laundry detergent, softener... and their dishwashing soap is awesome plus you get a lot of it for a buck. And Caddie is right, it will remove paint so beware. Have not seen Zep yet.

  8. another quality product is Black Magic used to clean on RV's, its out of missouri..good stuff

  9. CRUD CUTTER is a cleaner made to clean painted surfaces like exterior painted surfaces - and works like magic on removing mildew, etc.! It also is concentrated and a little goes a long way. In have tried it both indoors, outdoors, and on my truck - all with good results.

  10. I have used it for a few years now and can say it is good stuff.
    A friend told me to mix equal parts vinegar and dish soap (any kind). It works better. Especially on the hood bugs.
