Tuesday, November 15, 2016

new postcard

Decided it was time for a new Field Lab postcard.  I really liked the "Ben in the fog" images so I spent the morning getting the file ready to upload to VistaPrint.  Took a couple of hours because I had to find the original large files then doctor and crop them to get what I was looking for.

Cut apart the errant axle ends and made the adjustment.  67,80,43,0,C


  1. Are you going to make these available for sale? (Hint: please say yes.)

  2. Ben looks good ... even in his baby picture!

  3. I love the "Ben In The Mist" photos and have one of them on my desk top to cheer me up in the morning.

  4. Yes, I like the picture. The bull across the street from me is getting to be so big and beautiful. He is so gentle and sweet. A lovely yellow. He only has until next March and then after 4-H, he will be neutered and sold. So sad.

  5. Putting a lot of faith in that collar it would seem. No cotter pin?

  6. Like I said in an earlier post, I needed to extend the axle just so I can add a washer and cotter pin for some extra safety.

  7. Yes please, I want to get new postcards. What's the process to do this? Thank you.
