Friday, November 4, 2016

nice rain...

Had a nice rainstorm last night.  Almost an inch in 2 hours.  Had another .01 overnight that counts for today.  The new weather station said .94 and my weather service rain gauge said .89.  I won't quibble over 5/100ths of an inch.  10.25" is the new grand total so far for this year.

Welded the next phase of the trike frame.  Took quite a bit of rigging to get all the parts to line up perfectly.  Ran out of welding wire just before I finished and loaded a new 10 lb spool.  Hard to believe the empty spool started out full when I was still welding parts of my greenhouse roof.  I have to say it feels pretty good to be building something again.  71,77,62, .01", B


  1. I sure am Gladys got rain. I certainly know the feeling about building things again. Between 1 new sidewalk and the second one I picked up cemen or today, life will be safe again on the 2 outside exits.

  2. I totally hate spell check.. sorry

  3. At least it didn't correct cemen to semen.

  4. Very glad to see you are back at it.

  5. Beautiful clear droplets of water. The older women in my family from the late 1800's always talked about catching rain water in a pot because it was better to wash the hair and made it soft and shiny clean.

  6. One of the very few things money can't buy. Love and rain.You guys have rain and we in the cities have one of the worst droughts ever in SA. Why am I not surprised? But then The Bible does say the deserts will bloom. Please forgive double posting in my response John. I honestly don't know how to fix it. Read once. ☺

