Monday, November 28, 2016

patch job...

Somehow I have made this far in life without ever having patched an inner tube.  Today I finally got my chance.  Noticed this morning that one of the trike tires was low.  Two days ago I noticed this stickery branch barely stuck in the tire.  Found the tiny hole by submerging the tube in a bucket of water.  We'll see if the patch holds by tomorrow.  Note to self: add some tire repair gear to the flight kit.  64,73,53,0,B


  1. You can buy some sealer to put in the tubes as a proactive measure.

  2. yes...I am a big fan of Slime for inner tubes and tires...

  3. The slime inner tubes work great! I put them on mower and no more trouble.

  4. Hau!...with roads thorns and miles like yours...a spare tyre for your truck too I hope.

  5. hmmm.. that could be a troublesome thing if you ran over a thorn on takeoff and then
    had to land with a flat tire... eh?

    wonder what others who have unfriendly ground vegetation do about that....

    dang! NOTHING is ever SIMPLE! ;-)

  6. I should have said that some of the slime tubes are self sealing. Anyone interested might check slime website or ??

  7. I highly recommend using Stans Notubes tire sealant. I use it here in Idaho to save myself from goathead punctures on my bike. Works like a pro. I have used Slime before and it isn't as good as Stans.
