Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Underwriters Laboratories

Did another Alpine run this morning in preparation for a weekend rain event.  Got home in plenty of time to rig up the pump in the shower and do a quick test.  Worked as predicted...perfect flow - perfect temperature.  Can you spot the potential code violation?  Yes...I will address that issue.  59,65,34,0,C


  1. Code Violations ... at least two ... 1. Wiring to the plug, 2. No GFCI in area with water. :)

  2. I haven't seen those types of wiring skills since I lived in Brooklyn. But I think that does meet code in Mississippi.

  3. Looks good but I do not care for the open wires. You are talented. If you have rain there, then it will be coming here-oh the mud and my dogs-fun.

  4. Have experience with UL regarding alarm systems. UL offers certification of fire & burglary alarms in addition to alarm monitoring centers, and provides criteria for installations, etc. Obviously they do much more as well. Can you hint at the UL connection to the post or is that for us to ponder?

  5. 12v pump? At least it shouldn't shock too bad.

  6. Are you on a sustainable living or self destruction mission over there JW? Breaking legs flying...shocking whilst showering 😨

  7. A couple wraps of electricians tape and you'll be fine. haha

  8. mike...I had a feeling you would approve.

  9. I stayed in a hotel in San Augustine Colombia in 1979 and recall something similar in my shower as a permanent condition. I survived, but lost my then favorite shirt there.

  10. According to google, 8009-541-236 is a 12V pump. Unless you try to lick the plug while showering you won't even feel a tinkle. If it was mains, you would not use the extension cord that way around.
    (I have used mains extension cords with two male plugs to power an electrical installation that was not (yet) connected to the grid, from another installation that was already connected, but that trick does count as multiple code violations in most countries, and I won't recommend it...)

  11. From one John to another, when I saw your hook-up, I just had to laugh.
