Friday, December 23, 2016

I got the blue one!

Removed the golf cart batteries from the old battery house.  Now all that remains of the old power plant are a gutted house, remnants of my wind turbine towers, and an old busted solar panel.

The new recoil assembly arrived and it was a perfect fit. (I'm glad they picked out the blue one for me - black would have been so boring.)  Got the batteries all cleaned up and positioned.  65,70,38,0,B


  1. Were the wind turbines taken out of service due to mechanical problems ? I guess I have not been following long enough to know the background. Thanks.

  2. I discovered long ago that the sun is a lot more reliable than the wind out here and wind turbines are always prone to mechanical failure (although if you are careless like I was - solar panels are prone to it also). Few people realize that any wind turbine requires a minimum of 20 mph wind to produce any usable energy.

  3. They built a wind farm on a high hill about ten miles from us. Huge, tall towers with giant white spinning blades. On a clear day we can see them turning in the sun light. Can't decide if it's a beautiful sight or eye pollution.

  4. I used to be a big fan of wind turbines (forgive the pun). But the reality that I experienced here is very similar to how viable they are when it comes their use on the scale of those big wind farms out there. They simply don't make sense.

  5. At first I thought those pics were of vandalism. Glad all is OK.

    Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from New York City

