Friday, January 13, 2017

a friday night film

 First flight with my paramotor on April 6, 2014 - shot from the ground.  Pretty awkward taking off and landing for the first time with 75 pounds on your back.  The goal is to get back in the air and some flight time under my belt by the third anniversary of this flight.  News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


  1. My first flight was almost like that. Calm wind, long run to take off and slid on wet grass coming in hot.

  2. THORNWALKER...unfortunately, I didn't have wet grass as an excuse. I was looking down instead of toward the horizon and that ground sure was coming up fast so I pulled the breaks too soon despite what my instructor was telling me on the radio.

  3. John, I hope you didn't bust something. That landing looks like it hurt.

    Asia Blanca

  4. THIS is a momentous occasion... virtual drinks on the house!

    Congrats John!

  5. That was a couple of years ago?

  6. Tried to watch on YouTube...but couldn't find...

  7. I decided I need to add the description of the video since people who only watch it from the blog will not get the details.

  8. I had no luck searching for the Friday Night film.. even though quite a few other videos of TFL and John Wells popped up..

  9. I just added "a friday night film" to the search tags on the video. It takes awhile for them to gain any relevance in their search engine.

  10. Great achievement ! Were I in your shoes , I believe I'd want a "Trike" instead of a Backpack unit so I could land on a set of wheels rather than my legs ! You've had too much misery with legs so wheels offer protection for takeoffs and landings .jd

  11. That's right. I was going to ask you what happened to the wheels you built? Did your instructor nix it?
