Friday, January 20, 2017

a friday night film

 Visit to GOAT TOWN - located on Stolt Packsaddle Mountain Ranch. That is Packsaddle Mountain in the background. The owner just started this goat farm a couple of months ago and lost a few while trying to get things figured out. I recently stumbled on the opportunity to be a ranch manager of sorts. It has been 2 years since I've seen the owner and I just happened to pass by when he was going in the gate a few weeks ago. For now, my job is to feed and check them daily and truck in feed twice a month - and help stabilize a healthy fertile herd that is self sustaining.   Brownie has gotten his head stuck in the fence 7 times now - kids will be kids.  News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Artist:  62,75,36,0,W


  1. Coolest video on youtube I've seen in awhile:)

    What is 'Goat Town? Is it a science experiment or just a local goat herd that a land owner own's.

  2. You saved Brownie's bacon again. (Just had a thought ... if he sticks his head out the same hole again the cut wire could be a hazard.?) Enjoyed watching the goats so happy to see their hay arrive.

  3. Coffeeinjection...a local herd on a 1300 acre ranch. Sam...I add some extra wire to each spot he gets caught in so he can't get through again.

  4. Good job John. I bet Brownie was glad to hear your truck coming.

  5. Cute. I like goats and fresh goat milk. I made goat yogurt and cheese too. My brown lab was beside me and heard the goats and watched your video. Poor Brownie, just like my Entelebucher trying to get in the big Bull pen to get my 2 Cottons who went to visit the beautiful, gentle yellow bull across the street. Havoc broke out. Seven cars descended on me (dogs out running). The Bull owner and wife showed up, put the Bull in a trailer and whizzed off. This is only a residential area. They took the Bull to Kerrville to show. He has 'till March for 4-H
    and then?---- boo hoo.

  6. A rodent chewed 6 wires in my new Ford truck. It was towed to the Dealer. And so life goes on. They said it was a squirrel or mouse in a space big enough for a can of soup has no access. They went there to stay warm. First time for me for this problem but not new to Ford. Miss my truck.

  7. My favorite part of the video is at the very end when Brownie is free and one of the billy-goats gives him a little head butt as if to say "hey kid get outta here and don't do that again!". I was allergic to cow's milk growing up and was raised on fresh goat's milk. Sure do enjoy the Friday Night Films!

  8. Thanks David...FYI - I almost added a thought bubble at that point in the video..."dumbass!"

  9. Margie -- we have tried everything to keep the river mice out of our vehicles. The thing that finally worked for us was a portable radio turned up real loud on static. We put the radios under the hood each night and so far so good. We do have a battery bill, but that's a lot cheaper than repairs.

  10. I left a comment last time you freed the goat "How to Free without cutting the fence". I will refrain from posting my second solution and permanent fix.

    Happy cutting!
