Tuesday, January 24, 2017

nine times

Another load and another stuck goat (in the exact spot he got stuck once before).  Now I am systematically wiring off the sections he keeps getting stuck in.  Good news is, with this load of hay I have plenty of extra baling wire. (Funny thing is...every time I find him stuck, I forget to turn off the hot wire first and end up getting shocked.  Maybe we will both learn someday.)
And the winner is...?  THORNWALKER of course - although he wasn't entirely correct.  These are line holders for all the lines - not just the A lines.  But he got bonus points for recognizing that the pieces will have to be opened up into a U shape.  Photo of the installation coming soon... 73,83,56,0,W


  1. You might need to 'splain Darwinism to the kid.

  2. Maybe some chicken wire patches in the trouble areas would keep Brownie from losing his head? ;)

  3. Cool. I figured that was something you hadn't added to the trike yet. Maybe the goat could hang out in Ben's yard until it's a little older & can't squeeze through.

  4. Maybe Brownie wants to go with the person who brings the food. They do like to have friends and are so friendly.

  5. I'm starting to think he is enjoying the extra attention...an NO - he is not coming to live with Ben. He isn't weened off his momma yet.

  6. Just make sure YOU are securely attached to the wing; let the trike take care of itself.

  7. Wire tied bales, I remember them well. I was sure glad for string tied bales, much lighter to handle when you are 12 years old. That was 59 years ago, I don't care to handle either now.

  8. any idea what he's trying to get to? - or away from
    he is demonstrating a fair degree of motivation - does the herd get a mineral block(s) too?

    curious about the water catchment system/source there… imagine they are a thirsty lot.
    Is the fence juice all solar derived?

  9. The very first time I visited Canada some many years ago a First Nation Indian 'wise' man looked at me and said Your name should have been 'Running River'. She who who needs to flow...he shook his head and gestured with his hands 'can never be trapped in'. I think Brownie is the same. Free Spirit.

  10. XXX Poor Brownie. There is something in the ground that is drawing him to that spot. Next time your there; take a piss on that spot (no kidding) and work your stream back and forth outward from that spot in the fence. It will work.

  11. hmmm...I will try that. I just hope I remember to turn off the hot wire first.


  12. Oh yes, James, that works. When I was with my wolf/Shepherd in Haines, AK, I peed away from the door by the State wood buildings. Then I went inside and threw out my sleeping bag. Along comes the bear. He went right past the door with no latch and smelled the pee. Then he wandered on.

  13. If you wander why a dog might pee on your bed or your leg or a possesion of yours, the dog is showing ownership. And your pee shows that is your area and to stay away.

  14. saw this and wondered if Ben's brush would be going up soon. http://cheezburger.com/84916225/video-cute-cows-watch-these-cows-get-comfortable-with-the-help-of-a-homemade-back-scratcher

  15. Been trying to schedule my friend I buy feed from to come out and drive a pipe into the ground to hold Ben's back scratcher....hopefully soon. http://www.powerpostdriver.com/

  16. potential visitor - see first comment suggestion…
    WH may be headed your way

  17. Maybe you could set up a trail cam to see why Brownie is trying to bust out?
