Monday, February 6, 2017


Been picking up a few new things for my indulgence into more YouTube videos.  Just doing stuff isn't good enough - documenting it has to look good too.  Did a test this morning for a time lapse of my morning walk with the GoPro on the head mount.  That didn't work very well as the footage is all too shaky.  Along that line, I also recently bought a manual camera stabilizer ($49) for the DSLR which I am still learning how to use since it takes a lot of practice.  Also picked up an external mic ($30) for better audio (sound recording quality is notoriously bad for DSLR's).  BTW - those fuzzy mic covers are there to help cut down wind noise and they are called dead cats. Been looking into 3 axis motorized gimbals but they are just too expensive for the weighty Canon T3i (over $700), but I just ordered a reasonably priced one ($178) that can handle the GoPro.  The up side to all of this is if I am investing in more gear to document stuff out here - it means more new Field Lab projects are on the plate for 2017.  71,82,42,0,B  


  1. Good that you can expand your hobby of photography. Looking forward to walk video.

  2. Photo quality of yourself .. detail is great. Was that taken with your main camera?

  3. Can nearly count each hair of your whiskers - lol. Just trying to be funny, The detail is really good though.

  4. I'm glad your working on your video's. The 'Dinner Time' video with the rabbits is the best. I've watched it twice already. It would make for a hell of a funny screensaver in a countinuous loop:)
    I follow a RV'er's and several of the ones I follow passed right by Fort Stockton on their way to Arizona. They missed the beauty of the Big Bend area, Alpine, Fort Davis, etc. and stayed on I-10 towards El Paso.

    I also started a political youtube channel that's something like Mark Dice's channel. I do daily uploads of political humor, satire, news, etc.

    'John, I would also recommend a site called Its real easy to use and has fewer rules than youtube. I have a few video's over on

  5. I have seen videos using the software stabilization of GoPro 5 and believe it to be excellent for a software stabilization method. Also the use of a quality bluetooth headset for audio helps.

  6. You could have Benny be your "MGM lion". ;-)

  7. Both photos where shot with my tablet computer...

  8. Have you considered drones that can autonomously follow you? There are quite a few now that have that capability.

  9. Steve - Real men fly WITH their cameras...

  10. For your timelapse set the camera to take a picture every second, then combine the photos. Might be a better results than a video sped up.

  11. JC....I did not speed up the video - I took a photo every 5 seconds. No go.
