Saturday, March 25, 2017

this might just work...

Had to re-jig the mechanism that holds the hot plate level (as the dish tilts) with the bigger solar fryer today.  Once I got the new parts situated, I did a preliminary test while I wait on my extra mirrors to arrive next week.  Maxed out at 678° after sitting in the sun for an hour.  Pretty windy today which really sucks the heat off the gizmo.  I reckon on a calm day I will be able to top the 700° mark.  Note: with the smaller dish I was only able to get the hot plate up to 275°.  79,83,45,0,W


  1. Wow, that's an impressive difference in temp from the small dish. Tortilla time!
    Very cool reflection art, too.

  2. The mirrors make your Stetson look funny.

  3. That's no Stetson...that is my traditional tshirt head wrap.

  4. looking at your self portrait reminded me of this little tune…
    Fly's Eyes!

  5. Funny Sam. :-) I saw a survival show about wrapping a t-shirt wet with water wrapped around the head to protect and cool from the sun and heat. Now you could broil ribs covered with sauce.
