Friday, April 21, 2017

a friday night film



  1. Killed a rattlesnake this morning. Before you get your panties in a knot - I kill any rattlesnake I see here because they can kill me. Just so you know - in almost 10 years of living out here, I only see and kill about 2 rattlesnakes a year. And as for rodent control...killing one rattlesnake does not effect the rodent population. A rattlesnake eats about one mouse per week. A female mouse gives birth to over 50 mice per year - so unless your rattlesnake is only eating pregnant females, a single rattlesnake has little effect on the overall rodent population. News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:

  2. Right on, John. It's hard to watch your every step out the door and around your buildings. They like the shade and greenery around a home because that's one place the mice hang out and the shade is always desirable in the desert.

  3. Since you have already had a recent helicopter ride and surgeries, I don't blame you for taking precautions to avoid another emergency trip, especially if time is a factor and with a rattlesnake bite, time IS a factor.

  4. Wonderful. I saw killing a rattlesnake on someone else's blog out there a few years ago. They said the snake's head even after being cut off can still bite and poison you. You did an excellent job.

  5. The most poisonous snake in the U.S. lives where you are and the snake you killed looks like it.

  6. We kill far fewer rattlesnakes at our Mahan Hunt Camp - only averaging one rattlesnake every ten years. I suspect this is because we really try to keep the rodent population down when we are not there - which is the majority of the time. This is done by placing mothballs and rat poison inside our cabin - to keep the rodents out. Every rattlesnake shot at our cabin was taken from under our cabin - i.e. in the shade. We do not share our cabin or adjoining grounds with rattlesnakes - because we frequently have young children as guests - and always have our Labs (bird retrievers) present. Nobody, nor any dog, has been bitten in over 40 years. Our snake skinning process is similar to that used by John Wells - but he does it much faster.

  7. My preferred method to swiftly and safely kill a rattlesnake without destroying the skin is with a 22 rifle. Just put the barrel up to the head - and pop. I carefully remove the head with a shovel and discard it immediately - it can still bite you.

  8. Here is how I BBQ a Snake:

    1 rattlesnake, cut into 2 inch steaks
    ~ 1/2 cup teriyaki sauce
    ~ 1/2 cup honey
    ~ 1 tbsp fresh ground ginger
    ~ seasame seeds

    In a bowl, mix together the teriyaki sauce, honey and ginger.
    Pour marinade into a large ziplock bag. Add the snake steaks.
    Squeeze out the air and seal. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
    Remove the steaks and roll in seasame seeds.
    Place on hot grill. Cook over medium heat until done.

    Just remember nothing goes better with BBQ snake than french fries and a cold beer or two.

  9. Margery - This was a Western Diamondback...not the more dangerous Mojave. They are very similar in appearance and the easiest way to tell them apart is by the rings on the tail. The Diamondback has almost exactly the same size black and white rings but on the Mojave, the white rings are much wider than the black ones.

  10. I just learned not long ago that there are tarantulas in Texas. Glad Michigan isn't in walking (crawling) distance.

  11. Sorry my sweet. 😊 But this one I can't watch. Knickers in a hopeless knot! Top on my hitparade are.... the stars and the bunny fine dining on Haviland! The feel good stuff.

  12. ahhh...if only life was just about stars and bunnies...

  13. Life IS about stars, bunnies, snakes, and old men living in the desert. Sorry you felt you had to kill one of your God's creatures.
