Monday, April 3, 2017

a monday matinee...



  1. Panning time lapse of a cloudy day at TFL. Cloudy days don't happen very often out here so I thought I would take advantage of the opportunity. First test with my TurnsPro programmable time lapse motor. Panning programmed to turn 180° counter clockwise over a five hour period. 625 images shot with my GoPro Hero 3+ @ one shot every 30 seconds. Compiled in Windows Movie Maker and edited in Adobe Premiere Elements 15. Music used by permission from YouTube Audio Library - "The Story Unfolds" by Jungle Punks. News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:

  2. In the running for the best minute of my day.

  3. It is quite fulfilling to have time to appreciate Creation.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. When I was a boy we could go to the matinee for 65-cents. Sometimes they gave us an 8x10 glossy of the star, like Roy Rogers, Hopalong Cassidy or the Lone Ranger (we called him the "Long" Ranger). We bought Juicy Fruit, Sno-caps and Milk Duds. Great fun last century sitting in the dark, swinging our feet and watching the big screen.

  6. I recently bought a Skytracker Pro mount to try some astrophotography when I come down there in May. It has a couple of settings to control how fast it "tracks" Polaris. I wonder if I just set it vertically if I could use it for slow tracking shots?
