Monday, May 1, 2017

a monday matinee...



  1. Final step in the rattlesnake skin project....conditioning.
    After skinning and soaking the skin for 6 days in the tanning solution (3 equal parts distilled water, isoproply alcohol, glycerin), I stretched and pinned the skin to a board - scales down...leaving the skin to dry outside in the shade for 4 days. One lucky new subscriber to my channel this month will win the skin and the rattle. I will choose the winner at random and the winner will be announced Friday, June 2. Contest only for new subscribers... If you unsubscribe and re-subscribe, you will be disqualified. News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:

    1. The rattling of the rattle at the end though, funny!

  2. And what would a person do with the skin? Could they frame it, make a belt, make a change purse, make a billfold, trim for clothing (shoes, purse, collar, cuffs, design)? Or other decorations too I suppose.

  3. They make really neat hat bands.

  4. I encountered a rattler last week while mountain biking in the Sonoran desert north of Tucson, he was on the edge of the trail which was too narrow for me to safely get by him. I thought to wait him out and he would leave but no, he was fixated on me for many minutes, raised up in the air and staring me down. I threw sticks and stones at him but he didn't care, just maintained his stance. Finally I hiked off the trail and around on the steep hill where I really felt vulnerable to getting bit by a hidden snake. Then I stepped back towards him from up trail and he was slithering off into the brush. Son of a gun would not back down until I went around him!
