Thursday, May 4, 2017

What could it be?

Long overdue project coming up.  Tune in Monday for an unboxing video to find out more.  78,80,57,0,B


  1. Well I know those packages have nothing to do with tires for the truck!

  2. Well, since you asked 'what could it be?'...

    Being a photographer and having worked with a ton of models and all their makeup etc, I pointed out to my daughter that one of the packages says "Revlon, Love in 3 Words."

    I've brought her to Terlingua too, in the past, and have shown her most of your cool vid posts of late.

    Her immediate reaction was "Maybe Chupa's getting a makeover!"

    I said maybe the other, smallest, flat package has perhaps a music CD, and maybe the box has props of some sort for a video.

    "Maybe it's Chupa's Quinceañera!"

    Then we got on to maybe Ben or the javelina is getting lipstick. . .

  3. Off topic - for your info:
