Friday, June 16, 2017

a friday night film



  1. First very short flight with my new DJI Mavic Pro. Not the smoothest aerial cinematography, but at least I got up and down in one piece. The aircraft was in beginner mode limiting speed, distance, and altitude. All camera settings were on "auto" and I did not use any filters. I initiated flight with the auto takeoff function which lifts the aircraft to a stable hover at 4'. I ascended to 10 meters and hovered for a short time to allow the down facing optical sensors to know exactly where home was. The aircraft landed autonomously with the "return to home" function (almost spot on!). The on board GPS was picking up 16 satellites. Return to home altitude was set at 20 meters. Video was shot in 4K and downscaled to 1080p before uploading. News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: Nemesis by Alibis used by permission from the YouTube Audio Library.

  2. Nice back yard, great scenery. Nice picture show.

  3. TFL is a beautiful place. The drone gives a great new perspective. Looking forward to exploring the hills and surroundings.

  4. John ... am I mistaken or does the video show some new neighbors across Mailbox Rd.?

  5. Nice work John. Look forward to future flights by the drone & you, at some point.

  6. thanks for the info John – look forward to seeing your development as a pilot and the aerial footage.
    the blue landing pad is a nice touch and a potential revenue generator… space for rent
    Chupa pad example

  7. That was a hell of a good first flight! The movie being shown looked like the camera was setting on a rock instead of being mounted to a drone bobbing around in the sky. And the landing was spot on the H-ome target. I believe we will view some more amazing movies in the future.

  8. Great video. Your compound looks great!

  9. So stable... I like the helipad; Super Cool!

  10. Glad you got it up and running.

  11. Jon P...The landing pad really helps the aircraft lock in on the home point and also keeps debris from getting kicked up into the camera and motors or sucked into the body. There is an intake fan located right behind the camera that ventilates Intel's Movidius 24 core Myriad 2 MA2155 programmable VPU (virtual processing unit). Interesting note: The Mavic Pro has well over 1,000,000 times more processing power than the Apollo Lunar Module did. The Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) used a real time operating system, which enabled astronauts to enter simple commands by typing in pairs of nouns and verbs to control the spacecraft. It was more basic than the electronics in modern toaster ovens that have computer controlled stop/start/defrost buttons. It had approximately 64Kbyte of memory and operated at 0.043MHz.

  12. Would sprinkling the ground around pad help keep any stray dust out. Would not be too cool if any wind blowing.

  13. Boys and their toys...😂

    Brilliant - thanks for sharing - your growing process with the drone and your surroundings. I recognized everything 😉😂

  14. P.S. How do you charge the drone and camera - via your solar?

  15. All my power needs are met with solar...

  16. Cool that you're showing your first drone flight, "low on the quality list" as you think it may be. It's intriguing to see TFL this way and I'm really quite anxious to see what you come up with for drone vids. Sixteen satellites tracked with its GPS and more computing power than the lunar landing module, all very amazing.

    remmij, when I grow up and become a writer I want you to do the illustrations. . .

  17. … it is a nobel road to care for one's mother (and/or father).
    Whistler's mother visits the field lab on father's day… and Chupa's cousin sings.
    Madres, no pueden vivir con ellas, no pueden vivir sin ellas ...

    Manny's cuz's tune may have sounded like this…
    Garryowen – remember the other Custers, Tom, Boston, James & Autie, among the fallen (June 25th)
    Billings Gazette
    Geo. in Ohio
    what if George had a Mavic Pro with him… would that have made a difference? no, because Bloody Knife forgot to charge the batteries…

  18. Oh I'm so jealous. As somebody already remarked upthread, the picture you get with that is astoundingly steady. Just awesome.

    Don't know if you've seen this yet, but given the FNF you did with the water bucket a while back, I'm sure you'll get a kick out of this if you haven't. A camera was accidentally dropped from a plane & ended up in a pig feeding trough!

  19. you may be interested in some of this guy's (Juan Browne) work - he is a 777 pilot who just started to use a Mavic in his video work too…
    his Mavic Pro
    on fb

  20. Kind of noisy. You won't be able to sneak up on anybody with this new toy, that's for sure. Seems like it would also disturb birds and such.
