Monday, June 19, 2017

a monday matinee...



  1. During the heat of the day you can find a hot bunny trying to stay cool in just about every patch of shade out here...too hot to care about a camera on a tripod. Got a good heat wave going on right now with two solid weeks of 100+ daytime temperatures. Looks like we will get a break next week. That will make the bunnies happy. News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: Go To Sleep by Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions used by permission from the YouTube Audio Library.

  2. cool video, the hot bunnies be chillin'… no George? or the Jack…

  3. I am in negotiations with George's "people" about his next appearance in a YouTube video. Big Jack only comes in briefly in the evening for dinner.

  4. Smart little bunnies, put their paw pads up to cool better.

  5. Adorable... do the wild rabbits naturally hang around so close down there, or did you raise/tame them? Reminds me of squirrels I've seen draping themselves over tree limbs and just dangling their feet in the heat in Missouri before.

  6. Bunnies are trying to eat up our garden. My husband sprayed hot tobasco sauce on the lettuce and sometime later noticed a bunny running circles around our well house. Perhaps had a hot mouth?

  7. Wild desert cottontails will visit if you put out food and water for them daily. Normally they would stay out in their own habitat and only come in for a meal and a drink, but most of my rabbit population was born at TFL so this has become their habitat.

  8. I like bunnies. Feeding them works for you as you give them food and don't have an irresistible garden. Farmers in the Netherlands tried out the Tabasco sauce and discovered it helped to keep them away from their crops without actually harming the rabbits.

  9. My lord they are beautiful. So many colors in their fur. Love to think of them taking sanctuary at John's Place.

  10. Love your videos! Great subjects and editing
