Saturday, June 3, 2017

a shower...

Had a storm sneak up on TFL this afternoon.  Came from NW to SE - usually they go SW to NE.  Had a pretty steady rain for a little over an hour.  Normally Ben goes in the barn when it rains but he stood outside the whole time watching some of his burro buddies get wet.
72,87,65, .70",B


  1. Did you get enough rain to top off your storage tanks?

  2. Just beginning the rainy season. Will be another month or so before I'm full again.

  3. that's a pretty good photo...

  4. Yes...that is what I call a "safe" rain. Not too much, and it happened over the course of about an hour and a half. It is the really fast/hard rains that destroy my road.

  5. I clean my ac clear plastic hose by pouring 1/4 cup vinegar with 3/4 cup hot water every 3-4 days. Works so far.
