Monday, July 10, 2017

a monday matinee...


  1. This little guy has been putting on quite the show every morning recently. Texas designated the mockingbird (Minus polyglottos) as the official state bird in 1927. Northern Mockingbirds have extraordinary vocal abilities; they can sing up to 200 songs, including the songs of other birds, insect and amphibian sounds, even an occasional mechanical noise. This "flight display" is a mating ritual to attract females. The northern mockingbird is also the state bird of Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee and Mississippi. News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:

  2. Another snoozer vid. I'm going to chew my cud now.

  3. Sorry clicked on the wrong one but loved the video...Mocking birds are really amazing...he probably sings all night like the one at my place. Courting and sparking!

  4. Very interesting vid. I commented on your Youtube. I've watched the birds about a hundred miles north of you and most interesting are the doves for how they stake out their territories and then call out their warnings all day long from poles, high wires and tree limbs and move from one perceived boundary line way over to the other end. They will leap out to meet fly overs even run them off. I'm sure the females are quietly nesting somewhere unseen. It's quite a little daily drama and a very important one. Life really is hard in Nature.

  5. Oh btw, you should post a link to this blog on your YouTubes. I had to go find this blog link all over again. Of course, maybe I'm just lazy. It was sitting right on my Desktop.

  6. The URL for my blog is at the end of every video. I would rather not add clickable links to my videos and thefieldlab is pretty easy to find on the internet.
