Sunday, August 13, 2017

I don't think so....

I think she needs to find a new pastor...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. When they physically beat her within an inch of her life. Then actually nail her to a cross to die, can they, then, compare her to all the Christians who were treated that way in the past. That death didn't make them Christ nor would it make her either.

  3. Thank goodness I could not stand her voice...and her having slick Willie on the side or in the the middle never!! Sick puppy!...


  4. What pastor would even suggest such a comparison?

  5. Uh huh. Yeah. Whatever. Old news. Time to get on with it.

  6. In my opinion, Hillary Clinton was soundly defeated by Trump - due to the actions of American voters. And unlike Christ - who died on the cross for our salvation, Christ quickly overcame death and now is with his father in heaven. Do not see any prospects at all for the resurrection of Lying Hillary by the American voters.

    Better to do what Margery Bills advised us: "Time to get on with it."

    Lets work together to: "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

  7. Trump lies constantly, reflexively, like breathing.
    This is not in dispute. Everybody, everywhere has gotten a real good look at this personal trait of his.

    So, to be a Trump supporter, you have to be OK with lying. It's not disqualifying. It doesn't bother you.

    This damages your own credibility by association. People don't need to pay you any mind, because you might be lying. It's an OK thing with you; not a problem.

    People need to choose their friends carefully.

  8. Ronald – Soundly defeated by Trump? She received almost 2.9 MILLION more votes than Trump. I wouldn't characterize that as "soundly defeated."

    With two Grand Juries empaneled and perhaps more to follow, the investigation into America's election is far from over. You may want to hold your applause for a few more months.

    As far as lying goes...

    The Washington Post reports that In 181 days in office, president Trump has verifiably lied 836 times. Quite a stretch to suggest that is making America great again. Just my liberal opinion, of course. Call me #FAKE if you like. I prefer to stick with the facts, not partisan hyperbole.

  9. not the usual FL Sunday fare!!

    While I agree she's totally unsuited for the GIG..

    I'm always amazed by the likes of the money-grubbing "God-Fearing" Charlatans like
    Peter Popoff on TV sucking money from the gullible... hand over fist..

    What would Hillary do? ;-)

  10. And if we're going to discuss goofy pastors, how about Robert Jeffress, one of Trump's evangelical advisers, who maintains that god has given Trump authority to "take out" Kim Jong Un:

    That's a whole order of magnitude different than some historical comparison.

  11. Guess most liberals just don't understand that our American Presidents are elected by the Electoral Process - not by a majority of all voters. And that method has only been used since our Constitution was written. Don't you people understand we use this election method because it protects the rights of the less populated states. This is somewhat similar to the fact that all states only get TWO SENATORS - regardless of the population. But you liberals should be happy to know that the American Constitution can be amended. But the prospects of changing this great feature are slim and none . Very doubtful the required majority of states would approve any amendment that screws the less populated states. And these states greatly outnumber the states with huge populations.

    Get over it! Trump is our properly elected American President! Slandering him by calling him a lier or worse - will not change anything other than characterize those that do this - as poor losers.

  12. Truth is the perfect defense. Truth cannot be slander. You're in the universe of "alternative facts".

  13. Ron - he was indeed properly elected - no question - he's legitimately the POTUS ..

    but he is ALSO a liar.. a blowhard.. a bully, an ego-maniac.. ignorant and narcissistic.. and a majority of Americans agree .. his "base" does NOT represent how most Americans feel.. you can't be an effective POTUS when only 1/3 of people really support you..

    He's the perfect POTUS for "deplorables" and this is how they would apparently govern the country.. he's doing it exactly the way they would do it! They love his bombastic style!

    But... the US is the worse off for it.. our stature in the world has plummeted..our enemies sense we are not united and vulnerable, people don't believe him nor trust him, and more and more people who actually do care about the country are realizing he is not the guy to guide the ship.. he's the proverbial bull in the China shop.. and while some seem to like that.. there's a LOT of damage.. and a lot of cleanup required for whoever comes next. His "legacy" is going to look more like NASCAR race cars after a 50-car pileup..

    you guys got who you wanted. Congrats and enjoy it..and yes the "liberals" did deserve to lose. She was a terrible candidate..and too many did not trust her and she never understood that - but then Trump.. oh never mind.. enjoy your guy!

  14. Larry G:
    I cannot agree that the liar in chief was properly elected. At an inflection point in history like now, when significant portions of the electorate now gets their "news" from social media and not newspapers, a hostile foreign power found a way, through "bots" and selective targeting of people on voter lists that they managed to steal, to insert falsehoods and outright lies into social media news sources that naive and trusting people had no way of knowing were false in real time. Russia didn't have to tip every Hillary vote, just enough in the key states. We were attacked through novel technological means that we hadn't yet developed defenses for, and the franchise, our precious vote, was swindled away from enough people to change the outcome.
    I don't know what your problem is with Hillary, but I am very confident she would have made a great President- she is detail oriented and experienced- she spent 4 years meeting with leaders of foreign countries and dealing with crises as they arose. She was prepared for the job. No foreign leaders recoiled from her in horror as they do now, very publicly, from the liar in chief incompetent we send around.
    People are outraged at the theft of our votes and properly so. We DON'T have to come together as a country and accept this charlatan. He will NEVER be legitimate.

  15. @WhyR - well you are right about the level of knowledge folks have and how they get their info... ironic in the age of the internet.. eh?

    but Hillary never realized just how deadly her private server was.. and worse -she did not have a message for the folks out of work... Now Donald lied his butt off about helping them but that kind of shows just how desperate people felt.. Neither Hillary nor Donald would tell people the truth- our education in this country - in a word - sucks - compared to the rest of the world.. we think we are "well educated" but we rank 25th in science and reading - (that's reading our own language)... and today's 21st century jobs require a high level of reading, comprehension... and critical thinking/problem solving (like John does) - but the average schmo just wants to get out of high school and get a factory job.. and those days are gone.

    Neither Hillary nor Trump will tell folks the truth about that.. and Trump, at least , acted like those folks were alive.. and showed up to talk to them..

    Hillary deserved to lose.. sorry

  16. Trump traveled around and divined what people in an area wanted to hear, and then he lied his ass off telling them exactly what they wanted to hear- "I'll bring back the coal jobs"; making promises that he had no intention and no means of ever keeping. But that was enough to animate the huge rallies like revival meetings.
    Using a private email server was something that others in government had done with no note and no consequence. The press inflated this out of all proportion and just kept hammering on this as though it were some huge violation of accepted norms. Nobody deserves to lose an election because of meddling by a foreign government, and just how and to what extent this occurred is about to be revealed. And at a crucial time, just before the election, a Republican FBI Director kneecapped her with breathless news about the investigation of her starting up again, which turned out to be a total nothingburger cooked up by FBI agents sympathetic to Trump in New York.
    Yes, I think Hillary was an ineffective campaigner and found it difficult to speak to people clearly and plainly, as her husband was always able to do with anyone anywhere, and she did not grasp early on what I think is the major issue today: the dramatic wealth inequality where almost ALL the increases in income go to the top .01% of the population and everybody else gets squat. That is not something that differences in education would address. Bernie got this and caught the interest and imagination of millions of people at rallies fully as animated as Trump's, but he was not the nominee.
    We had two candidates: one who could be counted on to do a good job in government but did not campaign well, and one who lied and pandered shamelessly (he doesn't know the meaning of the word) while, and the evidence is supporting this ever increasingly, colluding with a hostile foreign power to shape the election's outcome. I cannot agree with you that Hillary deserved to lose- you assume a fair election and evidence continues to accumulate that it wasn't. We should be able to examine the findings of the special prosecutor soon, and I'm looking forward to it.

  17. You liberals got one thing correct today - "our education system sucks".

    And it got that way when it became controlled by the Washington swamp bureaucrats and the big union bosses controlling teacher unions. You need to reflect on the fact that most institutions of learning not controlled by those idiots - turn out far better educated students. I suspect this is because the union teachers are primarily interested in their own welfare - rather than properly educating our children. Even incompetent teachers can not be fired with the bureaucrats & unions protecting them - and our children are the losers when this occurs. This is similar to the problems with the VA hospital that few could be fired - irregardless of how poorly they performed. Trump is turning this problem - to the better - by making it now possible to get rid of the incompetent VA employee. Hopefully we can also get rid of the incompetent teachers.

    College tuition is also terrible problem. When I attended college - in the 1955 to 1959 time period - the state of Texas provided most of the college costs by building the colleges, maintaining them, and hiring the professors. And students were primarily responsible for minimal tuition costs, food, housing, books, etc. By working every summer and some while attending college - I was able to pay for most of my college expenses & exit college debt free! I think states should resume this practice instead off shifting the burden to the Federal government - who placed it on the backs of students trying to get an education. That is how it was done 50 years ago - and it worked a hell of a lots better than the debt ridden system now in place. The states are in far better shape to do this - because most are not drowning in debt like the Feds are. If they cannot even properly run the VA hospitals - who thinks they can do any better - running the thousands of American colleges?

  18. Mr Mahan:
    Here's what Trump's Secretary of Education is doing right now...
    This is not helping with the student loan problem. This is YOUR guy's choice to run the Department of Education.
    Do you have any evidence to cite that schools without Teacher Unions turn out better educated students? I'd like to see it if you do.
    You seem to be comfortable with a president who lies constantly. Are you comfortable with lies in general? Are you lying now?

  19. I too think Hillary would have been a most excellent world leader - especially in comparison to what we have now. As regards the server silliness, give a listen to this episode on "This American Life", made a week or so before the election. (Larry G, I'm talkin' to you :-))

  20. Yeah.. I hear you Pamit - but it was never understood how "classified" info could get on a home-brewed server ... other than by nefarious means.. and that just added to the general mistrust of her...

    yes.. she is far, far more competent.. no question compared to this clown ... but she was damaged goods... and she failed to connect with the blue-collar folks .. and at the end of the day- Trump understood the mood of the disaffected.. and he knew how o get his message past the establishment media and direct to his "base".

    Right now - he polls on top in 17 states.. and if the election were held again today - even with all of this mess.. I'm not convinced people would vote for her. They'd not vote for Trump.. but they'd not vote for her either and so Trumps "base" would once again flock to the polls.. and the folks who supported Obama - will stay home.

    We're in hell of a mess... and I do fear for our country..

    I do not think Trump will finish his term..I think he's going to do a Sara Pallin.. and Pence sill step in.. and Pence IS competent.. and could well get a GOP House and Senate and carry out Trump's original agenda..

    but I digress .. big time but that's my story and I'm stickin to it!

  21. Fascinating to hear you speculate, Larry G. What do you think that Bernie's chances would have been, if he had been the nominee?

    My own take on this is that he would have given the Dems a better chance against a candidate who was posing as a champion of the disaffected and unemployed. Bernie was rumpled in appearance, kind of an anti-pol, but he was enthusiastic in a serious way and always on message. He never varied. He GOT what Occupy got and what a lot of economists get today- the inequality that exists and the stagnation of wages impacting the Middle Class. In my opinion, he had the capacity to be inspirational; to draw more people to his rallies, to grow a movement. This is something that Obama had in his campaigns, and that Trump was able to tap into. Maybe this is a more important quality for a party to look for in a candidate than competence or experience.

  22. Nice reference, pamit. Poor Huma. Poor World.

  23. Re; Bernie and voting for the person. He was more likeable but too old and too far left on too many issues for too many people....... and Congress actually does fairly accurately reflect the political leanings of the country as a whole.. which is split and now has an uncomfortable tendency to vote for those that can captivate crowds with slogans ... A good third or more of people are desperate for leaders they can believe in... and reject establishment pols..left and right. and you see that in the polls.. The other 2/3 break into left and middle and often are not inspired to reliably vote in strong numbers (other than for Obama).

    A younger Bernie might get them .. but the third that strongly supports Trump are not going to go away.. and they are going to turn out and vote.. whether others younger and more urban and more diverse, less white turn out.. is not certain.. many young urbans .. they don't even know who their own current elected are!!! They're occupied with other things.. that young folks typically find more appealing at that age and while they do like Bernie.. if they go to the polls to vote - they are clueless as to who else is even on the ballot!

  24. Thanks Larry G. Your commentary is always very interesting.
    Well, goin' back to Austin now. So long.
