Tuesday, September 5, 2017


DroneDeploy elevation map of the south 40.  
From dark red to deep blue is about 83'.


  1. The map is very informative and cool! Is the graph a histogram of the proportions of land at relative elevations? I'm really glad you bought the drone and are sharing this (and other) amazing technology with us. Thanks!

  2. Was this all produced from your drone? How much did your drone, software, etc cost? How much training? Can the topo be tied in to an established datum?

  3. Hachita...Yes. Todd... Image produced from the $1,000 drone and the software is a free trial period that ends soon. No training. The elevation rendering is from the GPS positioning of the drone and is much more detailed at this level than any topo map.

  4. Amazing. I bet property corners in the future will contain some sort of beacon for identification by the drone. Certainly many surveyors at the cutting edge of technology are already using drones. For large area topography we would hire companies to do Lidar which was +\- 6" or so accurate for large area topo for engineering analysis, in preparation for development of course.

    So much promise, but very scary to me the speed at which development will one day move. I fear humans are going to run out of things to do for a career in the future, which means the masses will clamor for big government to take care of them. This is very scary to me. I fear tech will spell the end of human liberty, and on many fronts it already has. This may not end well for many.
