Tuesday, October 24, 2017


On final countdown for departure tomorrow for my little overnight-er to Odessa for my stress test.  House sitter (armed) arrives in the morning to look after my herd and my empire while I am gone.  Thought it would be clever to wear a "RADIOACTIVE" t shirt for the procedure.  Unfortunately, Amazon failed me (happens very rarely) and sent a black child size t shirt instead that has "ADORKABLE" on it.  Wouldn't be surprised if my brother had a hand in that.  His kids used to call me "uncle dork".  Oh well...a "BE LIKE CHUPA" t shirt will have to do.  65,71,58,0,W


  1. Good luck tomorrow can't wait to hear the good news.

  2. :-) Yep, that happens. I still have the black trousers I tried to squeeze into that a company sent me. Then the company said, oops, child size. Let us know how it goes. Probably o.k. Be sure to let the doctors break for lunch as you will probably go for a long time.

  3. How about if Field Lab followers offer some prayers ?

  4. Remmij, I am always amazed at how you come up with so many related sites. TY :-)

  5. So, John, we are anxiously awaiting to hear about your day?

  6. xx Prayers for your trip to to be a safe one; and a positive outcome.

  7. Can you recommend any good restaurants you visited? I saw a show on t.v. about a special restaurant in Odessa that is also a covered farm where they grow all the food for salads, etc. right there in an organic way - a special place.

  8. Also, on t.v. there is listeria in some of the grocery lettuce so we have to wash and dry the lettuce.

  9. God has a plan for all of us and we are right where He wants us to be. I need to put Him first in my life and pray to Him and meditate.

  10. Only a crap guy that "owes" lot/plenty to others, needs an "Armed" person to take care of a Cow and some hens etc, piece of crap S..
