Friday, November 10, 2017

a friday night film


  1. Have to take it easy for a few days after my angiogram so I needed something quick and easy for tonight's film. Turns out Chupa is just under the weight limit of what I am allowed to pick up for the next week...and Ben is particularly fond of him. News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
    Artist: Our French Café by Jimmy Fontanez/Media Right Productions used by permission from the YouTube Audio Library.

  2. Not sure Chupa likes that tongue...

  3. After seeing the bathroom picture I'm sure you'll be back at the weights soon enough. Ben seems to know what finger licking good means.

  4. Do Ben and Chupa ever visit on their own? They make a nice couple. ;-)

  5. Chupa is too shy unless I am holding him.

  6. I see it as a possible "EAT MOR CHIKIN" ad in a future Chick-Fil-a commercial. But of course Ben is a vegan.

  7. Loved this video :)

    I think Chupa got "chupado" by Ben. FYI..."chupado" in English means "licked".

  8. Chupa likes Ben. Chupa never tried to peck him and Chupa made submissive, happy sounds (or whatever they were-not screeching). I noticed you relaxed and enjoyed your pets (friends). That is what I do when I had a harrowing time and am glad to be home and relax.

  9. How wonderful. Hard to believe we turn a blind eye to the suffering and misery of chickens and cattle raised for meat...each and every one with exactly Ben and Chupa's intelligence and peacefulness. Think about it, my friends.
