Sunday, November 12, 2017


PROCEDURE: XR Chest 2 Views CLINICAL INFORMATION: Pre-op. COMPARISON: None. FINDINGS: LUNGS: No significant pulmonary parenchymal abnormalities. VASCULATURE: Unremarkable. CARDIAC: Normal cardiac size and configuration. MEDIASTINUM: Radiographically unremarkable. PLEURA: No effusion or pleural thickening. 
BONES: No acute or currently significant findings. OTHER: Nothing significant. IMPRESSION: Normal exam. 

     The LORD is my strength and my shield;
      my heart trusted in him, and I am helped:
      therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth;
      and with my song will I praise him.
      Psalm 28:7 


  1. Honest to God, John, it seems like you normally pick out the right verses for everything. You must be really well versed in the Bible. I guess this is what a lifetime of study of the Bible can do. As first, I thought maybe you had reference books (and maybe you do also). And Sam knows so much too.

  2. Thank the Lord for watching over you John. Enjoy life to it's fullest.

  3. Margery...I'm only "mildly versed" in the Bible. The perfect scripture for any occasion is usually just a Google away. In this case though it was a "daily verse" I received on Friday by email. I don't remember how I got on the subscription list, but it is a good way to start the day and they often come in handy for my Sunday posts.

  4. Margery ... will let you enter a key word,
    a phrase or a topic and it will search the entire Bible for entries.
    If you only remember part of a certain verse,
    you can enter the part you remember and the search will bring
    up the whole verse. Or you can enter a topic, like forgiveness,
    and find the Bible verses on forgiveness. That's what I do.
    It's big help in Bible study.

  5. He knew you before you were born, He knows you now, He knew this day, He knows the number of your days. He knows what you would go through and how He would care for you .... He knows you now and forever. Live, each day... only He knows.

  6. I have to state the obvious- apparently all those poor, devoted shot-up Christian people in that church put their faith in god also, but they had a little different outcome. Do you ever wonder why? Is it because your faith was so much stronger and better? Was there something wrong with their faith? Did they get killed because they weren't right enough with god? Is your connection with god just extra tight?
    Instead of leaning back and congratulating yourself, why don't you devote a single word to those poor dead people?

  7. WhyR...You're totally out of line with your comparison. The people in that church were targets of the Devil acting through the eyes of a madman. John, on the other hand, was simply going through a medical procedure, so how in the world do you draw a parallel between the two?

  8. 1. I did not congratulate myself - I rejoiced in a blessing. 2. Bad things happen to good people - that is just the way the world works. 3. I don't make it a habit of discussing the work of Satan. I simply do not have time to devote to reasoning about senseless killings because they happen constantly. FYI - one person meets a premature and violent death every minute of every hour of every day in the world. I am more concerned that over 5 children meet a premature and violent death every minute of every hour of every day in the world and that apparently is justified.

  9. Glad to see you're "unremarkable," at least in the eyes of the medical community.

  10. B.B. Sutton:"The LORD is my strength and my shield;
    my heart trusted in him, and I am helped" Faith worked for one and not the others; not out of line to ask why.

    John Wells: Senseless killings happen constantly because people who want to kill have the means to kill many easily in a short time. You don't want to do anything about that and prefer to ignore it.
    You frequently inveigh against the works of satan in your Sunday posts; just not mass murder committed with guns. And yes, senseless killings of ever more people with guns happen ever more frequently. They have become too common to take note of.


  11. 'When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child:
    but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
    12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face:
    now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
    1 Corinthians 13:11-12 King James Version (KJV)


    "It’s like this: when I was a child I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child does.
    But when I became a man my thoughts grew far beyond those of my childhood,
    and now I have put away the childish things.
    In the same way, we can see and understand only a little about God now,
    as if we were peering at his reflection in a poor mirror;
    but someday we are going to see him in his completeness, face-to-face.
    Now all that I know is hazy and blurred,
    but then I will see everything clearly, just as clearly as God sees into my heart right now."
    1 Corinthians 13:11-12 Living Bible (TLB)

  12. "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock:
    if any man hear my voice, and open the door,
    I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."
    (Revelation 3:20)

  13. God wanted more Angels in Heaven He could love. He gave them a happy life in Heaven without further suffering and striving here on earth so he called them earlier. They have the honor of being with the Lord now.

  14. Vis-a-vis this topic: I listen to a lot of conservative talk AM radio, as I work from home (programmer) and like to know how and what the other side "thinks", so to speak. Recently there has been lots of chatter on the coming conflagration with Korea. The selfsame commenters for whom abortion is a "fundamental" issue, are almost preternaturally triumphant about Trump's inevitable "take down" of North Korea by violent means. --What about the innocent unborn whose lives would be lost during an attack on North Korea? If this is a bedrock issue, shouldn't conservatives be working diligently to STOP such wars? Oh, because it's the Devil making us do it? That makes it OK? Or, because American lives would be lost if we don't? So our unborn lives are worth more than Korean unborn lives? Sheesh. The mental calculus involved in this sort of "reasoning", is downright sickening.

    And if God knows what will happen every minute, then He must also know when the Devil is sneaking into the back of the church with assault weapons. Westworld is here.

  15. Have we have reached the point where a guy can’t even share the good news about his health report without it getting turned into a political attack?

  16. Oh Margery, how pathetic. We should all try to see the good side of mass murder?

  17. Hey Zimm, I believe John was the first to introduce the topic of abortion to the thread, so he must be OK with how the discussion is going.

    But, I don't consider my post to be political. It's more a commentary on spirituality, if anything. I'm honestly puzzled by what appears to me to be jaw-dropping hypocrisy on the part of Christians who on the one hand abhor abortion, and on the other cheer on the destruction of (lesser) unborn or even born lives.

    Since John likes to discuss spiritual matters, as do other regulars here, I thought folks might like to "enlighten" me. :-)

  18. Sometimes a person has to rationalize and think of something happy to counteract the shocking. I refuse to dwell in the negative. Life is too short. The Chinese let babies starve and die-girls. Look on utube. It is heartbreaking. The world is overpopulated. There are ways to control that such as natural disasters, etc. That's what the economists say. To maintain ones supremacy and strength in the world, sometimes unfortunate measures have to be taken. I personally do not want to lose that and live like a 3rd world country overrun by another nation. Think of the broader picture. Anyway, every ethnic group is racist whether they admit it or not. A person has to take care of themselves first because no one else will. It is survival of the fittest. And then we die. So I need to enjoy each day as I go and do what makes me happy so I have peace. I am no longer a bleeding heart which I work on not being. Think positive and do the right thing in my life daily.

  19. Margery, my reply to your last post would be the exact same as my previous post (above). If you rationalize mass murder, for personal or national reasons, you sink to that same level of evil yourself.
    Myanmar just wants to cleanse their country of the Muslim Rohingya, The Serbs just wanted to cleanse Kosovo, Duterte just wants to get rid of drug pushers, Syria just wants to get rid of Muslim people who might not worship Assad, the Shia in Iraq just want to get rid of the Sunni infidels, and vice versa, and of course Der Fuhrer just wanted to create a "pure" race. None of these are "OK", even if it makes some people feel good to think so. It's incredible that this still has to be said.
    "Persons taking care of themselves" is not the same as killing people you don't want in your country. This is not a small difference.
