Thursday, January 11, 2018

Blast from the past...

Had a great visit on Sunday from one of my old grade school friends...Pat McGee.  I haven't seen him in 43 years!  I grew up with him from 3rd grade through freshman year of high school in Tell City, Indiana. My family moved to North Carolina in 1975.  I have since caught up with a bunch of my old Hoosier friends on Facebook.  On his way west, he visited another one of our mutual friends (Kevin Kast) who lives in Louisiana now.  Kevin sent along 5 lbs of shrimp for me, fresh from the Gulf of Mexico!  Both these guys are avid fishermen of many things I missed out on once we moved.  46,62,51,0,W 


  1. that is some VERY fine eating you have there! hope you had a wonderful visit with your old friend. I've found that those are still the ones who know us best.

  2. Glad you had a great visit old friends are the best.

  3. Sweet. O.K., here's the deal as I learned it from the fish man at H.E.B. Grocery. I used my sharp kitchen scissors and cut up the side of each shrimp and peeled off the shell and top. Then I fried them in olive oil and put salt and pepper on them. I had a baked potato with it (optional) and ended up putting the potato cut up in the fry pan. On top of it all I put some Amish fresh butter on all and then served on plate with sour cream on the potato. Anyway, my raw fresh bay shrimp from over there was awesome. I had it yesterday. This evening I am having fresh oysters.

  4. The fish man at H.E.B. told me I should not taste the shrimp uncooked as it could make me very sick. I had to cook them until they turned bright orange (or he said pink).

  5. Enjoy your Corexit-laced gulf shrimp. Thanks to BP and the EPA.
    Or if it was CA shrimp, it would be Fukashima-ed.

  6. xxx What a great way to start your New Year! You never fail in finding the most creative reasons to keep from cleaning up the greenhouse. Although; this one was a little more legit than the others. Glad you had the opportunity to visit an old friend.

  7. bigfoot...thank you, the shrimp was quite tasty. FYI - gulf shrimp are most affected in a northern Gulf of Mexico region known as the ‘dead zone’. It is a vast area of hypoxic (low oxygen) bottom water which occurs during the summer near the coast - caused by excessive nutrient pollution delivered from the Mississippi River, primarily from agriculture and wastewater...not the dispersant Corexit which was used 50 miles offshore in the Gulf of Mexico back in 2010. As for Fukushima...the internet is filled with horrific claims of radiation reaching our shores and mutating and causing cancer in sea life - thanks to any number of wack-job conspiracy websites. If you actually did any research, you would find that all of these claims are false.
