Monday, February 19, 2018

a monday matinee...


  1. I'm gearing up for some solar baking...especially bread. Cleaned off the counter and gathered quite a few items I already had and added a few new items. Found 6 unopened boxes with little one quart dutch ovens I bought years ago. I don't really need a stand mixer but I gave in. After researching various brands, I found the Cheftronic to be a pretty good deal with good reviews. Just when I was about to talk myself out of buying one, I got hit with a "Lightning Deal" on Amazon Prime and went ahead and bit the bullet. Regularly $139.99 - but I got it for $89. News Theme 2 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
    Artist: One Step Closer by Aakash Gandhi used by permission from the YouTube Audio Library.

  2. Let me know when the bread is about done. Sucker for fresh baked bread.

  3. Any idea of what kind of bread your going to be making?

  4. Nice-looking piece of technology for 89 bucks.

  5. Happy Baking John!
    I have been wanting to use my solar oven for weeks here near Austin and it has been overcast with limited sunshine seems like for over a month.

  6. The happy bachelor chef. Anxiously waiting. :-) Yes, you can make all kinds of bread - wheat bread, white bread, sweet bread, cheese bread - and then just live on it for awhile and also keep it in your refrigerator/freezer. A type of bread for each meal and maybe put some protein powder or something in some of it. I used honey instead of sugar and olive oil and more healthy ingredients and even put fruit in some loaves and healthy powders of some sort from the health food store - all purpose. And then I put some in Saran Wrap an small quantities and took it with me for a snack with my thermos coffee when I went somewhere. I was very health minded and frugal and healthy thin. Fun, fun, fun. And nothing like fresh real butter on hot white bread - all good with eggs and bacon too and even some potatoes.

  7. Onions and potatoes boiled together topped with fresh real butter when done is good and easy and some bread would go with it - and don't forget some protein or cheese too.

  8. Hi John, I have just watched you on Ben Fogles TV show here in the UK. You live an amazing life over there. I have alot of respect for how you managed with a broken leg! I wish you a great 2018, stay safe 😉

  9. Ahoy UK....welcome to my life. I figured the new Ben Fogle episode just aired. I am getting swarmed with messages and new subscribers to my YouTube channel. Cheers!

  10. Hi John from Loch Ness, Scotland..
    Just saw your update on tv �� hope you manage to get your greenhouse back up seem very I'm sure you'll get there..your way..
    Cheers ��

  11. Thanks jOYCE...I'm working on it.

  12. Looks like Christmas in February with all the boxes you opened, even better you had most of them there already...
    I know you know how to make bread and shared when you baked. Me? Bread making failure and proud of it. I’d eat too much if I made bread. A lady at the farmers market puts dill & onion in her bread & it is really good.

  13. John: Are you available to answer questions about purchasing land there. I am familiar with that part of the world. Always wanted acreage to park a motorhome for 4-5 months a year? I’ve enjoyed your videos and particularly like the photography production, including the drone! Thanks in advance.

  14. Corn bread. That's one I forgot. :-) Cornbread and pinto beans cooked for hours. Yum, very healthy.

  15. Wade White...feel free to contact me with questions via email.

  16. Hello John, I live in Glasgow, Scotland, and watched the programme when Ben Fogle came to visit you and it was a total joy - so much so I have been on YouTube to watch some of your videos, as you were showing your home I realised all the 'things' I use on a daily basis you don't need, we just think we do, I will keep following you here, and hope you are now keeping well take care, Christine

  17. I think what was hilarious and SO practical was your Amazon deliveries, how brilliant x
