Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Pepino test...

Started getting a little warm inside today so I figured that was a sign to fire up Pepino for a shake down test.  Had a high of 85° outside today.  I need to change out the pad and clean it up a bit but it still does the job chilling down the outside ambient air.  76,85,55,0,B,


  1. I can't wait to get there! That's the temperature I START to thrive. Laying here now with a fire going and under the covers, drinking hot water.

  2. Yes, Mr. Baxter, I felt good out there at Terlingua. The heat here can easily kill a person. Mr. Wells has done well managing with his Pepino and building management. Your idea of drinking hot water is a new one for me. Sounds like a good idea. That reminds me a a Wish Sandwich (wish I had something between the two slices of bread).
