Saturday, March 10, 2018

The Bread Lab

Two recipes taste perfected (Artisan White and Chupa Bread).  Now going for "the look".  78,87,53,0,B


  1. they look pretty damn yummy to me!!

  2. Inviting, what’s Chupa bread?

  3. linda...

  4. BEARD ON BREAD ... thought you might enjoy this book John.

  5. my 2¢ - as for cosmetics & crust… slash, snip, salt dash, steam… maybe even score that Chupa manna with the sharpened Chupa spur…? a marketing hook, but taste is what gets them to come back.
    "Field Tested, Lab Baked, Yummy Digested" - all looks tasty.
    from King Arthur… "Maurizio is an engineer-turned-baker"
    scissor cut rings?
    blade or scissor
    more snips

  6. remmij...I have looked into a lot of those techniques and have decided any schmo can score bread. I prefer to coax the dough using handling techniques. I do have something special up my sleeve though to identify my artisan loaves.

  7. will look forward to see what you come up with…
    meanwhile, I took a closer look at the crust and it reminded me a bit of your landscape.
    tfl/otherworldly landscape

  8. -- -- Hey Carl D. Jones. I have a good friend that can not tolerate any gluten. And the pastor at our church provides gluten free bread wafers - instead of the regular bread wafers for our communion services. But they are only provided to the worshippers that must avoid gluten. And Jim - my friend - says are not nearly as tasty as the wafers - that do contain gluten. I suspect there are also breads made with ingredients that are gluten free - because gluten intolerance is a common problem. It can be found in bread specialty shops. Or just get on your computer and enter GLUTEN FREE BREAD on your favorite search page -and you will find all kinds of gluten free bread recipes, places to purchase gluten free bread, etc., etc.
