Monday, June 18, 2018

a monday matinee...


  1. Finally got a good rainstorm last night. Almost an inch over about 10 hours. Before this storm , I have only gotten a half inch of rain here since December 16th. A long soaker doesn't do too much damage to my road but it will be at least two days before I give it a go in the truck. Only a couple of puddles and no major washouts. It might look pretty dry but based on experience, most of it is like slippery snot right now. Hopefully someone who has no business being out here won't tear it up before it has a chance to dry out. News Theme 2 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
    Artist: Tiptoe Out The Back by Dan Lebowitz used by permission from the YouTube Audio Library.

  2. What's up with the wheelchair?
    I guess it's a confortable spot.

  3. I became quite fond of my wheelchair when I had to spend a year in it after I broke my leg. What is more brilliant than a chair with wheels?

  4. Not for me...I can't afford another injury.

  5. Its funny how after a bad injury you think twice I call that wisdom . I look at what I do and think to myself is it gonna hurt like that broken back and then take the sensible route.

  6. You haven't reported one drop of rain for June on your blog's numbers at the end of your posts. Have you quit doing that?

  7. I don't post the temp and rain info on Monday, Friday, and Sunday - so if we get a little rain those days, it doesn't get reported on the blog. So far for the month of June, I got 1.23" of rain.
