Friday, July 20, 2018

a friday night film


  1. Testing out the "active track" function on the Mavic Pro during my morning walk. It worked out pretty well and the drone only lost me a couple of times. I walk his 1.26 mile route every other morning in about 21 minutes - just fast enough to do it with a full charge on the drone. I finished and landed with 10% left in the battery. News Theme 2 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
    Artist: Cartoon Space Utopia by Sir Cubworth uses by permission from the YouTube Audio Library.

  2. Wanted to see the route better, so I went to Google Earth Pro and followed the path.

    Curious if you know why your buildings are grayed out - plain gray rectangles over top of the buildings - when I zoom in.

    Is this a 'feature' that you've asked for?

  3. @LeoninSA, you probably have 3D Buildings turned on under the Layers panel in the lower left corner of the screen.

    With 3D Buildings checked, holding the "Shift-Left Mouse button" while moving the mouse lets you rotate the image to see the 3 dimensional hut and greenhouse in horizontal view.


  4. Don - Thanks! That was it. Did not even know that 'feature' was available or turned on. I turn it off and lo & behold, we see The Field Lab as it was/is... not gray rectangles.

  5. I enjoyed that walk even though it was a little fast for me.
