Thursday, August 30, 2018

throwback thursday...


  1. A filmmaker friend of mine from my NYC days (Matt Bass) shot these promo spots for MTV in my Brooklyn studio back in 1996. MTV2 began broadcasting as simply M2 on August 1, 1996 – MTV's 15th anniversary. M2 was created ostensibly to answer critics and viewers who complained MTV didn't show music videos anymore. News Theme 2 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

  2. Kind of like someone from Mars. Who understands all this. This is a world apart. (That's how I felt when I first came to Texas and tried to talk to people here). Anyway, I'm sure many people here do understand this. They are just probably not on this blog site. So this is why I do not always make a comment. But this is interesting. (And I wonder how much you paid for your cherished studio in N.Y. in '96. Probably well over $1,000 a month (gauche to ask that. That is why so many Mexican/American people from TX who go to N.Y. share expenses with other people).

  3. Just viewed 2014 documentary about what you've been creating in your TX desert paradise. Living off-grid is something I contemplate from time to time and I'm impressed with how well you've done for yourself. Funny you mentioned a prophetic childhood notion of becoming a hermit. I too have had these ideas at a young age. Hope this message finds you happy and well, knowing you sparked my imagination. -scott from MI

  4. My Brooklyn studio was 925 sq ft and the rent was $1,100 per month. I got pretty lucky with living spaces in NYC. A lot of my friends moved constantly and paid high rents. I only had 3 different apartments in the almost 20 years I lived there. The first apartment was a small 2 bedroom (350 sq ft - 6th floor walk up) that was a share with one other person. My "half" of the rent was $300/month. It wasn't until I moved out that I discovered that I was paying 3/4 of the rent - not half. My second apartment was a small two bedroom that I lived alone in (420 sq ft - 3rd floor walk up). My rent there was $450/month. The last couple of years, I ended up getting a roommate for my NYC apartment since I was spending most of my time in my Brooklyn studio. After all these years, that roommate still lives there and my name is still on the lease.
