Monday, September 17, 2018

a monday matinee...


  1. Time lapse (and the secret recipe) of the Field Lab Solar Oven Super Cookie baking in the solar oven. Mix flour, oats, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt in one bowl. Mix sugars, softened butter, egg, vanilla, peanut butter, and oil in another bowl. Combine both bowls of ingredients then mix in raisins and chocolate chips. One batch of dough makes 7 super cookies that are about 165 grams (1/3 of a pound), 6" in diameter, and a half inch thick. They bake in the solar oven at 350° for about 18 minutes. If you divide the dough to make smaller cookies, the cooking time will be a few minutes shorter. They are done baking when the edges are slightly browned. News Theme 2 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
    Artist: Et Voila by Chris Haugen used by permission from the YouTube Audio Library.

  2. If I ate too many SUPER COOKIES I would be super BIG.

  3. If you ever decide to alter the recipe and put Texas pecans in it instead of raisins, I'll drive the 1000 miles round trip to the Field Lab to buy some from you.

  4. Very pleasant. Beautiful picture, good recipe, and divine music.

  5. I was honored to watch these cookies bake. Truly inspiring to see such a simple device do what a $800 oven does back home. Awesome cookie, by the way and my wife and son loved it! I didn't get a chance because soon after I got home I fell ill with the stomach flu.
