Friday, November 2, 2018

a friday night film


  1. Finally found the secret to getting consistently good casts of an alcoholics anonymous desire chip. I had partial success casting them horizontally in sterling silver and never even came close using 999 fine silver. After countless duds over the past couple of weeks, I tried casting vertically using a cast iron mold form and it is working quite well. I was just about ready to give up... News Theme 2 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:

  2. A beautiful cast. The saga is alchemy at its best.

  3. John,

    I have been following you for a long time, about 8 months after you start your blog and have truly enjoyed watching all your building projects, etc.

    I obviously don't comment much, am grateful for all that you have shared with us.

    I grew up in upstate NY, from Kingston to Schenectady, Syracuse, etc. but left in the late 70's for Houston and beyond.

    The reason for writing is a post a long time ago. I also followed an electrician that was building his second house in the DMR. I saw where he came to visit you and had lunch at the place across from the mailboxes, before it was shutdown. I forget his name, but I also lived in Seabrook Tx. where he had lived and had he house damaged in a storm. He stopped his blog several years ago, and I just wondered if you keep in touch, and if he and his family are doing well.

    I just stop wondering how his place turned out.

    Thank you.

