Wednesday, November 28, 2018

quick fix...

Had to leave early this morning for a day in Alpine so I showered last night.  Was all ready to clean off 3 weeks of stink and discovered my on demand hot water heater was spraying water everywhere but on me.  Seems I forgot to drain it and it sat out over a couple of nights of below freezing temperatures...and one of the coils burst.  The leak was easy to find once I took the cover off.  Jumped into "fix it quick" mode and soldered the crack.  Took all of 15 minutes to do the repair and get back to my much needed shower.  62,76,42,0,C


  1. You are lucky that you have the knowledge to fix it yourself.

  2. off topic but…
    whatever happened to the goats you were caring for near TFL a while back?
    goat town
