Monday, December 17, 2018

a monday matinee...


  1. More than one beautiful view along the new road.

  2. Attitude. In the 50's, a Yankee went to San Angelo and complained. The land was flat and empty and sandy. The newcomer pointed this out to the postman and how there was no good scenery. The Postman looked out at the land and said, "yeah, ain't it beautiful". I think we learn to appreciate what we are familiar with.

  3. Roads on top of hills last far longer than roads located at the bottom of hills. This is because lower down is where all that rainwater goes! There is a very old original ranch road in the Nine Points Mesa Valley located on the top of some small hills in that valley. Which was probably used for getting across the valley & locating cattle in the valley. And that road has only been. graded once in the past 45 years - yet it remains the best road in the valley. Our father used that road to move a potable building to his property. And we still use it 45 years later - because it remains a better road than the newer roads. This was before the Ranch Development Company had roads bulldozed out everywhere. But many did not last long - where water flowed over them.
