Tuesday, January 8, 2019

more testing...

The number of configuration settings available for 3D printing is mind boggling.  Finding the right combination is a real challenge.  60,73,39,0,B


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is that a masonic compass and square? You're the last person I would've expected to endorse them. Say it ain't so...

  3. Although I have no interest in the fraternal organization, a good friend of mine is a member of a Masonic lodge in Alpine and requested that I try to cast the symbol in silver. Despite what you might think or what numerous internet conspiracy sites claim - Freemasons aren’t Satanists. Their meetings are not an act of worship... a lodge is not a church... and Freemasonry is not a religion. Freemasons use prayers to open and close their meetings, but so do Congress and Parliament. Freemasons take oaths (or obligations) on a Bible or other book sacred to the faith of the individual candidate, but so do Supreme Court justices, the President of the United States, police officers, courtroom witnesses, and even Boy Scouts.

  4. Initiation into freemasonry is almost identical to being initiated into a witchcraft coven. The masonic initiate must bare his chest and a ceremonial dagger is put to his heart area and he is made to swear not to reveal secrets under penalty of death. The witchcraft candidate is naked but similarly, a knife to the heart and a sworn oath. The bible says not to swear oaths in Matt 5:34. Also the bible frowns on things done in secret.

    The first independent political party in the usa was the anti masonic party because people were realizing even in the 1800's that masons held to much power in gov. Masonry is not of God, even many former masons testify to this see youtube. At the high levels lucifer is revealed as the God of masonry. Well known to many these days except low ranking freemasons. Read: morals and dogma by Albert Pike, a leading masonic mind. He adores and worships lucifer.
