Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Site

The work is hard - but at least the view is nice...


  1. …it is a vista and nice that it is above most of the congestion, but I would think the lights would be
    somewhat annoying at night… hear much noise? recall when your fire glow was the only light around…
    that extra moisture this season sure promoted the added growth… the mob built Vegas, I suppose the cartels had a hand in lowlands there.…
    the sight of the site… for sore eyes
    (howdy Margery, good to see you back)

  2. Very nice location and view. I wonder if during a downpour, water would run down on the house. Maybe a low cement block wall should go up behind and in front of, around, the house to stop soil erosion.

  3. I have taken storm run off into consideration at the job site.

  4. Fantastic building site. Must be "fun" to work there. I'm enjoying my view of the whole thing from Michigan.

  5. To be honest...I hardly notice the view any more.

  6. Absolutely magnificent. I just noticed the fore thought in the road with the water runoff or turn around and extra parking and the space at the end of the road. Very nice.
