Tuesday, February 12, 2019


8 PM and still no Fed Ex.  I really need that water level...  61,66,33,0,C


  1. Hope he gets there. Just curious … why not use stakes and strings?

  2. He finally showed up at 9PM. Stakes and strings are for cavemen.

  3. God bless the Fed Ex people who travel far West Texas. They must have to use satellite phones. Glad you got your level.

  4. Clear plastic tubing, water, and food coloring...DIY.
    Come on J. Gizmo...!!

  5. Yeah...I know I can make one, and I have used a home made version before and found you really need 2 people to work it efficiently. I am working alone on a good portion of this project and an electronic water level just makes life a little easier - and it's cheaper than hiring a second person to monitor one end of the water line.

  6. Just down the road from me is house that was built on swampy ground. Over the years it settled out of level. You can watch a bottle roll across the floor. A cup of coffee on the kitchen table shows an "unlevel level". Was a hard house to sell but someone finally bought it.
