Friday, April 5, 2019

a friday night film


  1. Sill plates, rim joists, and floor joists installed in 9 hours over 3 days...time lapse comprised of 2,892 individual photographs taken at 5 second intervals (my video editing software makes it easy to stitch them together into a video). Cool Intro - Stings by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Beach Disco by Dougie Wood used by permission from the YouTube Audio Library.

  2. What material will be on the outside of this home? Saw the new Nuevo Terlingua casitas while down there recently. Didn't go inside any one of them, but they're pretty cute from the outside. Checked them out online to see the interiors. Looking forward to seeing your finished casita. Happy 6-0!

  3. Was about to ask a question but your comment cleared it up. Wish I had your building skills. Hope you had a Happy Birthday.

  4. I know it is harder working alone, but don't you get a certain satisfaction by working alone.
    I know I do.

  5. I love working alone - it is very satisfying. Using the same product I used on Ben's barn - it has held up perfectly for 6 1/2 years so far.

  6. I was thinking of basically a pier and beam flooring. is that possible out there? use railroad ties, since they already have the creosote on them and no bug is gonna eat that...I wish I had the money and know how to move out there....but have kid and animals too.
