Friday, April 12, 2019

a friday night film


  1. Nice job. That drone was way up there.

  2. Got gusty when it was up there...glad it made it back!

  3. Got a whole new perspective now.

  4. As a painting contractor, I highly recommend Zinnser over Kilz any day. Excellent move priming the subfloor - will add years to its life. As a note to your readers: ALWAYS prime bare wood and don't expect "paint plus primer" products will replace that important step. It is just a marketing ploy.

  5. I could see a Ken Kesey/Merry Prankster type production with lights & giant speaker sound across the entire valley… with trolls… maybe that's what the "T" stands for…
    In the hall of the mountain king
    Peer Gynt
    an example
    an Ibsen play at tfl?

  6. I enjoyed your video production as much as I did your hard work priming. The owner(s) of this tiny house has some beautiful vistas and practically no neighbors around a win, win situation.

  7. Interesting how you choose your music. Looks like your pants are a little looser.
