Monday, May 20, 2019

a monday matinee...


  1. You make it look so easy though I know it is not. May I ask how long it took you?

  2. …don't remember this from the plans, but well placed & probably really nice after a long day on the job site…
    infinity agua fria

  3. remmij...I think a pool is a great idea! MsBelinda...the porch joists took 6 hours in real time.

  4. I watched one of your videos on (Big Greek Daddy) The watering hole from 5/5/17. It's amazing where some of your material shows up.

  5. I thought it was a good feature too - dive in from the porch – then recalled that these are rumored to wander
    up from Mexico now & then… and they like to swim too — hey, YOLO — the eternity infinity edge!
    nice kitty - might need to stock the pool with some decoy fish/koi…

  6. btw… 12:08 AM - that's going a little over board on the early riser idea… sleep is a good thing
