Saturday, May 18, 2019

BLT time soon...

22 tomatoes in various stages of development on my plants.  The first one I spotted is finally starting to turn red.  65,90,83,0,W


  1. Congratulations. When they are nice and red, I hope they taste as superior as the home grown tomatoes I tasted here many years ago. This might make you want to grow lettuce and green onions. Can you grow a peach tree there in perhaps some slight shade or does that take too much water? You can bring in some black dirt to help too can’t you? Can you grow a Pecan tree there? What about any carrots I wonder. If you like greens, they are always good for you.

  2. One time when I was in Anchorage, the yard was filled with dandelions. I picked them and put them in the refrigerator. They are good for you. My landlord form Germany was horrified and came in and took them out of the refrigerator and mowed the yard. He just did not know.

  3. Ever had fried green tomatoes with cornmeal?

  4. Congratulations on your green thumb!

  5. Those look like big ugly tomatoes they will have lots of meat great tasting fruit for sure, I grow them in central Florida You will enjoy them just keep up on them and look for horn works because they like tomatoes too.
