Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Finally some rain?

A little rain prep. Took awhile, but I finally got the ol' water pump started in case I get a rain event that allows me to pump extra water out of the arroyo. I have two 3,000 gallon tanks waiting for a refill. It has been 2 years since I had enough sudden rain to do this.  A fast half inch will cause the arroyo to run for about an hour which is enough time to fill a 3,000 gallon tank with this pump.  89,99,65,0,B


  1. Nothing like a well laid out plan. Hopefully you'll be able to get the tanks filled up soon.

  2. Looks promising. Vital to keep that equipment going. I wonder how your trailer is working out for your friend and if you will ever do much more work on your trailer. You have really kept busy and established yourself there. Home sweet home.

  3. With all that building you do, you could put a roof over your trailer which would help with heat.
