Monday, June 24, 2019

a monday matinee...


  1. Music reminds me of a "Little Rascals" adventure......

  2. You should use Hurricane Clips!

    (Sorry, JW. Couldn't resist.)

  3. …if JW was building on Mars… longer commute, stronger winds, fewer humans
    & there is that third eye thing…

  4. At least the whole house did not blow away or fall down. Must make the new owner feel secure knowing the house can blow apart. :-) What I do not care for is wondering what could poke its head over the hill in back at close range. My mind could get carried away with that - like a cougar, or bear or snake or whatever else is out there - human?

  5. -- -- Margery -- Having hunted in the remote parts of Terlingua Ranch for 45 years - I have seen only one large cougar and zero bears - during that period. But I have seen a great many rattlesnakes and killed several - living under my cabin. And only one human has threatened to shoot me - but he died of natural causes before trying to carry out his threat.

  6. Margery, I imagine JW has about seen it all out there in the far lands over his time walkabout…
    I think one of the scariest things is when kin shows up unexpected like…
    all hot and sweaty from their travels… and hungry, and a feelin' trifle piqued…
    still, when they pop up over the crest of the hill, all surprising, it can be a tad unnerving…
    and if they're bringing their pet rattler — forget about it…
