Thursday, June 6, 2019

Down Time

I made good use of construction down time waiting for storms to pass by clearing the front of the greenhouse.  The inside is a whole other matter I am just beginning to attend to (again).  In other news - the doves have left the nest.  89,98,63,0,B


  1. I just stumbled across your blog and videos. I find your work and story very inspiring. ..just a quick thank you for lifting my spirits by sharing your home and projects.

  2. The outside looks great, nice job. Just keep the door closed and no one will know the inside needs a little work. Your tiny house is more important for now.

    So they flew the nest...don't worry more will be hatched next year.

  3. looks like another trip to Alpine is needed.

  4. Your tomato plant looks healthy.

  5. Glad to see the greenhouse is put to good use. Would be a waste if it just sat there empty.
