Thursday, June 13, 2019

Got Shade?

video tomarrow...


  1. Soon it will be ready for the landscaping crew.

  2. I'm curious. How do folks keep rattlers from getting under house up off the ground like that?

  3. When can I move in? (I lived with a rattler under my house for a winter. I could hear it bumping up under the floor boards trying to get in. It displaced some insulation too. A man from Ohio who did some work under the house was thrilled to get the rattlers shed skin.)

  4. Emjay….I have plenty of shady spots around the Field Lab, yet I don't have a rattlesnake problem here. In 11 years I have only seen 8. Bottom line: rattlesnakes prefer to avoid people.

  5. Emjay - we had a serious rattlesnake problem at our Hunt cabin. And they lived under our Hunt cabin. We got rid of the snakes by poisoning every last mouse or rat that had taken up residence in our cabin. And because we are normally gone from the cabin for six months - we now leave out - plenty of poison bars to keep any new arrivals from taking up residence. That is how we do it - and it works well on keeping our cabin free of rattlesnakes!
