Saturday, June 22, 2019


Had a visit from a new deputy yesterday.  Officer Christian Montoya has been on the job out here just two weeks and stopped by while he was out exploring the ranch roads.  Always a good idea to develop a personal relationship with local law enforcement...and for them to know exactly where you are located.  Ben approved the visit too... 89,98,68,0,B


  1. You are so right about that without the law being around it would be a not so nice place to live.

  2. I think Ben was admiring his boots as well...

  3. body cam, vest under the shirt? what kind of leather for the boots- don't quite look like gator… some sort of scaled beast…Caiman Belly? Arapaima gigas, also known as pirarucu, fish out of the Amazon?

    Sheplers version

    the Lucchese variety

    20 Years of Cows

    old Texas lawmen
